在ER的生活很特別 尤其我真覺得“港仔“VS 都很好的阿
葉主任 何Dr. 朱Dr. 真的都是很nice的 其實我總是想聽他們偶爾互相講話時用粵語在交談
明明就聽不懂的我 還是站在旁邊很想聽懂阿

明天有機會可以去學個高壓氧 開心的啦 有機會可以出來科外run   書和知識一卡車的可以排山倒海的來 真的是很棒的事

Definition of shock 
Shock is a state of inadequate tissue perfusion resulting in a decreased  amount of oxygen to vital tissues and organs. 
Blood flow is insufficient to provide nutritional requirements of cells and remove waste products of metabolism.

Cardiogenic shock(心因性休克)、Hypovolemic shock(低血容性休克)、Obstructive shock(阻塞性休克) 
Distributive shock—Neurogenic shock, Septic shock, Anaphylactic shock(神經性, 敗血性, 過敏性休克)

Dr.邱 给的hint   別被病人的complaint牽著鼻子走  所以自己定義要記呀

Cough : the symptom of cough is divided into two broad categories; one of cough less than 3 weeks and another of cough more than 3 weeks.
Diarrhea:Chronic Diarrhea lasting 4 weeks warrants evaluation to exclude serious underlying pathology. In contrast to acute diarrhea, 
most of the many causes of chronic diarrhea are noninfectious. 

Nausea is an unpleasant sensation characterized by sickness accompanied by expectant vomiting. 
Vomiting is the forceful expulsion by mouth of stomach contents that is accompanied by intense contraction of the abdominal wall muscles. →→吐了!!

It should be distinguished
from retching (
乾嘔, abdominal contraction without food expulsion), regurgitation (胃容物反溢no abdominal contraction),

and rumination (反芻regurgitation of food postprandially with subsequent chewing and swallowing). 

Vertigo  An illusion of movement, as of the body moving in space or the environment moving about the body; usually caused by disturbances 

疲乏(also called exhaustion疲憊, lethargy昏睡, languidness疲倦, languor無氣力, lassitude沒精打采, and listlessness) is a weariness疲倦 caused by exertion. It can describe a range of afflictions, varying from a general state of lethargy昏睡 to a specific work-induced burning sensation within one's muscles. It can be both physical and mental. Physical fatigue is the inability to continue functioning at the level of one's normal abilities. It is ubiquitous in everyday life, but usually becomes particularly noticeable during heavy exercise. Mental fatigue, on the other hand, rather manifests in somnolence.



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