今早報告還算ok 承蒙大家照顧 主任的comment 還有主任順便邀來廠商來提供早餐
一整個熱情阿 ER的每個夥伴學長姊主任 
是耶 今天有人見到我 說我好像在"外面"很開心 有笑容 想想 對啊 ER真的可以學到很多 
又開始有捨不得的感覺 不太想局限在18診還是幾診的框框裡 只是想多一點學到更多書本的印證→這樣真的很好念咧

只是 原本所屬的單位也許已經刻板印象我本來上的班 (我卻一點也不想解釋阿) 

我真的偷偷崇拜起  外科主任(很像“神“)   還有內科主任和醫師(很像“仙“) 
直覺式的感覺到病人的徵候和給適當的處置 也讓我對“華盛頓“勾起閱讀的興趣

Creatine kinase (CK) is an enzyme found primarily in the heart and skeletal muscles, and in smaller amounts in the brain. When the total CK level is substantially elevated, it usually indicates injury or stress to one or more of these areas. 

When a muscle is damaged, CK leaks into the bloodstream. Determining which isoenzyme (specific form of CK) is elevated will help determine which tissue has been damaged. CK can be measured as the total enzyme in the serum, or each of its three isoenzymes may be measured. The isoenzymes include:

CK1(CPK-BB): produced primarily by brain tissue and smooth muscle of the lungs

CK2 (CPK-MB): produced primarily by heart tissue

CK3(CPK-MM): produced primarily by skeletal muscle 


CK1(CPK-BB):   0–1%

CK2(CPK-MB):  <3%

CK3(CPK-MM):  95–100% 

CK, along with asparate aminotransferase (AST) and troponin, is assessed in the
case of suspected myocardial infarction. It typically appears in the bloodstream within 3 to 6 hours of the tissue injury, with peak values occurring 18 to 24 hours postinjury. CK levels are usually elevated for approximately 2 to 3 days. Thus, CK is one of the first cardiac enzymes to become elevated following a myocardial infarction.

Total CPK廣泛存在於骨骼肌,當CK上昇時,可能是各種非心肌受損,因此對心肌損傷並不具特異性。CK-MB是一種非常好的急性心肌損傷標記,由於它具有優良的特異性,而且在急性心肌梗塞發作後 2 8 小時內會上昇。在病人到院後的 9 12 小時之間,連續每 2-4 小時測定一次 CK-MB,可藉由 CK-MB 有否上升的型態,來發現心肌有否受損。

Normal Values

Total CK

Female:    40–150 U/L (0.67–2.50 µkat/L SI units)

Male:       38–174 U/L (0.63–2.90 µkat/L SI units)

CK2 (CPK-MB)  0.6-6.3 ng/mL

Increased Total CK   

Acute cerebrovascular disease    Acute psychosis  

Alcoholism    Brain trauma  

Cardiac defibrillation  Cardiac surgery   

Convulsions   Delirium tremens

Dermatomyositis  皮肌炎

Electrical shock   Hypokalemia    

Hypothyroidism   IM injections

Muscle inflammation   Myocardial infarction


Polymyositis   Progressive muscular dystrophy

Pulmonary infarction   Rhabdomyolysis 橫紋肌溶解


Increased CK2 (CPK-MB) Isoenzyme

Acute myocardial infarction    Cardiac defibrillation    Congestive heart failure

Electrical injuries  Malignant hyperthermia

Myocarditis  Reye’s syndrome 雷氏症候群
Trauma to heart

PSVT 高血鉀  Troponin-I

Hello Micky!



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