這幾天的晚班  總算告一小段落

  一個OHCA(Out Of Hospital Cardiac Arrest)的老人家 持續了一個小時的自動心肺復甦機(Thumper)的按壓  壓著壓著到了3點多 陸陸續續的有疑似hypoglycemiaSOB伴有Hypertensive crisiscaseC區等著  一樣到4點就快撐不太了的我  Thumper的按壓還真的有像半夜數羊的作用  想要把ICHCT review一下  偏偏腦袋使不了太多力

ER  終於發現29Washington32版內容真有不同的

R1就買的書  現在還是又買了一本32

(合記可以宅配訂書又9折真的是貼心到極點阿 不禁還是想推的呀)

收到的32Washington   內容定義就清楚得多了  

Hypertensive crisis

Hypertensive emergencies

包括有accelerated hypertension, systolic BP>210 and diastolic BP>130, presenting with headache, blurred vision, focal neurologic symptoms, and malignant hypertension(papilledema). 需要immediate BP reduction by 20~25% to prevent end-organ damage

Hypertensive urgencies

Substantial increase in BP, 通常是diastolic BP of 120~130mmHg, H/T患者約有1%的發生率, 有症狀的血壓上升但未有目標器官的損害


Measurement of serum amylase 用來區別是否為急性胰臟炎造成的腹痛.

After the onsetBegin to rise 3 to 6 hours and peaks in approximately 24 hours.

The values return to normal within 2 to 3 days after onset.

懷疑急性胰臟炎:presenting with epigastric upper abdominal pain that is acute in onset, rapidly increasing in severity, and persistent without relief.

Normal Values 
Adult:    53–123 U/L (0.88–2.05 nkat/L SI units) 
Elderly:   Slightly higher norms

Abnormal Values 
Acute pancreatitis , Alcoholism   
Biliary obstruction , Cholelithiasis 〈膽石〉 
Diabetic ketoacidosis   
Hyperlipidemia , Hyperthyroidism 
Inflammation of salivary glands, Mumps 
Perforated peptic ulcer 
Pregnancy, Ruptured tubal pregnancy






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