
A controllable and reversible loss of consciousness induced by intoxication of the central nervous system. Lowered sensitivity to external stimuli (hyporeflexia), analgesia, unconsciousness, muscle relaxation, and amnesia are significant features of general anesthesia. The term "surgical anesthesia" emphasizes muscle relaxation and analgesia.
Evaluating the p’t before anesthesia

 Chart detail
– History
– Anesthesia records
– Family history
– Social history
– Allergy
– Common used medicine
 Lab data:CBC, DC, PT, PTT, serum chemistry, Na/K/Cl, urine
 ECG, Chest x-ray, lung function
 BL, BW, Head Neck, extremity, vital sign, heart beat, breath sound
 Interview and informed consent, consultant’s note

2.Adjuncts to Anesthesia
 anticholinergic drug that blocks the muscarinic receptor sites (mainly organs innervated by the Vagus nerve)
 reduction in salivary and other airway secretions
 used preoperatively for diminishing secretion
 0.4-0.6 mg IM 45-60 prior to anesthesia
 Cisatracurium is an intermediate-duration, non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking agent for IV administration
 Use for surgical procedures, to relax skeletal muscles, and to facilitate tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation
 IV 0.15 mg/kg initially→ good to conditions for excellent tracheal intubation 120sec following injection
 0.3 mg/kg maintain
 Reverse→
 Depolarizing muscle relaxants
– Non-competitive blocker
– Physically resemble Ach
– Can bind to ACh receptors and generate a muscle action potential
– Not metabolized by acetylcholinesterase
 Side Effects & Clinical Considerations
– Bradycardia
– Hyperkalemia
– Prolonged paralysis
– Muscle pain
 Propofol is a diisopropylphenol intravenous rhythmic agent that produces rapid induction of anesthesia with minimal excitatory activity
 rapid elimination by the liver
– Conscious sedation
– Induction agent of anesthesia
– Maintenance of anesthesia
– Antiemetic
 200mg/20ml/amp
 Induction, IV, 1.5-2.5mg/kg;
        maintenance, continuous IF, 4-12mg/kg/hr or intermittent IV bolus, 25-50mg
 Morphine 80-100x
 IV, 0.05~0.1mg initially followed by 0.025~0.05mg as needed
 Respiratory depression, muscle rigidity
 fat soluble ☆

Pharmacology of Inhalation Agents
Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC)→Alveolar concentration of anesthetic at which 50% of the patients are unresponsive to a standard surgical stimulus

 Isoflurane
– MAC 1.15%
– pungency
 Sevoflurane
– MAC 1.71%
– Relatively low solubility and non-pungency make it an excellent choice for inhalational induction.
 Desflurane
– MAC 5.0~7.25%
– pungent and irritating to the airway
– low solubility

Standard monitoring

 Temperature、body fluid 〈blood loss、urine〉

Special monitoring
 Arterial cannulation
– N/S with heparin, 300mmHg
– blood gas analysis, Na+, K+, Hb, Hct

 2℃/1hr, 0.5 ℃/15min
– Inflammation
– Hyper metabolic state
– Malignant Hyperthermia
 inherited disorder
 Triggering Agents
– Depolarizing muscle relaxants
– Volatile general anesthetic agents
 Dantrolene

 Adult:70ml/kg
 Wet gauze-original gauze+blood loss in suction
 blood loss in suction × 1.5
 Hb<10g/dl or Hct<30
 Blood loss<600  → HARTMANN®
        600~1200 → Packed RBC
        >1200 → Whole blood and Packed blood
 每單位可使70 kg成人Hb提昇約0.5 g/dL,Hct約1-2 %

PAR score

 10mg/1ml
 1- 3 mg IV prn, Max 50mg/day
 used for the relief of moderate to severe pain
 respiratory depression

PCA〈patient-controlled analgesia〉

 A certain amount of pain medicine is given when the patient pushes the button.
 The computer is programmed to give a safe amount of pain medicine over a specific period of time.
 A small number of people feel nauseated, have some itchiness, or have difficulty passing urine.

 Complete or partial reversal of narcotic depression
 Adult: 
– Narcotic overdose
 SC/IM/IV 0.4-2mg initially, repeat at 2-3 minute intervals up to 10mg, if no response after 10mg reevaluate diagnosis
– Postop narcotic depression (partial reversal) 
 IV 0.1-0.2mg at 2-3 minute intervals to desired level of reversal; repeat doses may be required within 1-2 hour intervals
 Child: 
– Narcotic overdose 
 SC/IM/IV 0.01 mg/kg initially, give subsequent doses of 0.01 mg/kg as needed at 2-3 minute intervals
– Postop narcotic depression 
 IV 0.005-0.01mg every 2-3 minutes to desired degree of reversal


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