就這樣  從2008年到2009年
ER昨晚上的new p't   6點到8點時很平靜  大家都很努力去跨年吧  不過晚上10點路過ER時發現全部人都忙了起來
弄得我一點也沒覺得非得要跨年不可  (雖然今天看到電視重播跨年活動還真的是有幾幕頗high的說)
奇怪   這一幕的藍眼睛  唱到我有雞皮疙瘩都起來的震撼

不過   我因為昨天好不容易中午總算不是訂便當  而是訂水餃時   我真的有開心到

跟ENT 所以跟醫院的班表  所以.....明天得7點出現在14樓
這時發現牙科放4天有點太爽了點  偏還有人星期三請假   一整個5天很不錯
醫院真的有發一個月的年終ㄟ  看到這個"最新消息"我挺驚的
不過下一個情緒反應就是    ............有啥路用   我這些年來半個月年終都無福領到   
還有每一年除夕都在  我像隱形人一樣的領不到一個紅包

就說  留不住人心的也不意外

多謝ER這些日子的"intern般照顧"  我真的像intern (這時開始覺得長得年輕有點不好了)
學海的確無涯  就是輸人一大截  



The troponins are proteins found in skeletal muscle and heart muscle. There are actually three types of troponin: C, I, and T. Subgroups of these, known as cardiac troponin I and cardiac troponin T, are specific to the heart muscle fibers. When there is damage to the heart muscle, the cardiac troponins are released into the blood. Thus, the two cardiac troponins are used to determine whether a person has had a myocardial infarction or some other injury to the heart muscle, such as when a cardiac contusion has occurred during chest trauma. Cardiac troponin is typically measured along with other cardiac biomarkers, such as CK, CK-MB, and myoglobin.

Following heart muscle damage, Tropinin I will increase in 3 to 6 hours, peak
in 14 to 20 hours, and return to normal in 5 to 7 days.

Normal Values

Cardiac troponin I: <0.4 ng/mL (<0.4 µg/L SI units)

Cardiac troponin T: <0.2 ng/mL (<0.2 µg/L SI units) 

Possible Meanings of Abnormal Values


Cardiotoxic drugs (chemotherapy, alcohol)

Congestive heart failure,  Dermatomyositis 皮肌炎

Kidney disease,   Myocardial infarction

Myocarditis,   Pericarditis,   Polymyositis

Pulmonary embolism,    

• Unlike other cardiac markers which might also rise with damage to skeletal muscle,
troponin levels are not generally affected by intramuscular injections, trauma, strenuous exercise, or medications.

Diarrhea as a sign is a quantitative increase in stool water or weight of >200–225 mL, or gram per 24 h, when a western-type diet is consumed. 
腹瀉超過4週需評估  則為慢性腹瀉
每錠含有:  Kaolin 0.167gm.  Bismuth Subcarbonate 0.167gm.
Albumin Tannate 0.167gm.  Ext. Scopolia 0.003gm. 
Bismuth subcarbonate有收斂、抗酸及保護作用。
Albumin Tannate為收斂劑。
Ext. Scopolia可治因腹瀉所致之絞痛。 

成人服用的最高劑量是每天8粒;小孩的最高劑量則要依照體重決定 (體重每20公斤/3膠囊)。


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